On May 9, 2017, the Akanksha Fund celebrated its second annual Gala, The Stories Behind the Numbers. The 2017 Gala looked behind Akanksha’s statistical achievements to highlight student’s stories.
The event featured speeches from the Akanksha Foundation’s past leadership, outgoing CEO Vandana Goyal, and future leadership, incoming CEO Saurabh Taneja. Both speeches highlighted the Akanksha Foundation’s impact and how the organization plans to create systemic change throughout India’s education system.
The keynote speakers of the night were three Akanksha alumni, Shubhangi Nagaria, Pooja Wagh, and Mrunal Khadke. The alumni described how access to a quality education transformed their lives.
Because of our fantastic supporters, the Akanksha Fund raised over $600,000 for the Akanksha Foundation’s programs.
To view the Gala photo album, please click here.
To view speeches from the 2017 Gala, please visit our YouTube channel.